Which of the Following Is Not an Example of CUI? Unraveling the Mystery


If you’ve ever engaged in cyber awareness programs or taken related exams, you’ve likely encountered the question, ‘Which of the following is not an example of CUI?’

Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) is a term denoting sensitive but unclassified information requiring protection. In this article, we delve into this question, exploring examples, the meaning of CUI, its purpose, and ways federal agencies safeguard it.

Understanding CUI – Unveiling the Layers

Controlled Unclassified Information is the U.S. government’s designation for sensitive but unclassified information that demands control and protection. Governed by Executive Order 13556, CUI includes information not classified as national security but still needs safeguarding.

Identifying CUI: Examples and Characteristics

1. Law Enforcement Information

This involves data related to law enforcement investigations, encompassing details about individuals or organizations involved in criminal activities.

2. Privacy Act Information

Personal information collected, used, or maintained by the government falls under this category, governed by the Privacy Act of 1974.

3. Personal Information

Details such as names, addresses, phone numbers, social security, or financial information are deemed CUI.

4. Critical Infrastructure Information

“Which of the Following Is Not an Example of CUI?” might bring to mind critical infrastructure information – data vital to societal and economic functioning, like power grids or transportation systems.

5. Trade Secrets

Confidential business information providing a competitive edge, like proprietary technology or business strategies, is considered CUI.

6. Intellectual Property

Creative works or inventions protected by intellectual property laws, including patents, trademarks, or copyrights, are part of the CUI spectrum.

Importance of Identifying CUI – “Which of the Following Is Not an Example of CUI”

“Which of the Following Is Not an Example of CUI” is a pivotal question to gauge understanding. A press release, often included in the options, stands out as the answer. Press releases, meant for public consumption, lack the confidentiality and classification required for CUI.

Purpose of Establishing CUI

CUI safeguards information crucial to the U.S. government or potentially harmful if made public, yet does not meet criteria for classified national security information. Agencies are tasked with designating information as CUI and establishing protective policies.

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How the CUI Program Aids Federal Agencies

The CUI Program offers a standardized framework for agencies, like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to handle and protect CUI consistently. This ensures uniformity in handling sensitive information across the government, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.

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Ways to Protect CUI

1. Classify CUI Appropriately

Sensitivity and potential consequences guide the classification of CUI, ensuring adequate controls for its protection.

2. Establish Policies and Procedures

To maintain its integrity, agencies must set guidelines for accessing, storing, transmitting, and disposing of CUI.

3. Use Secure Communication and Storage

“Which of the Following Is Not an Example of CUI?” emphasizes the importance of using secure methods, like encrypted email and file-sharing platforms, for transmitting and storing CUI.

4. Train Employees

Employee training on the importance of protecting CUI, coupled with awareness of organizational policies, is crucial for information security.

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5. Implement Technical Controls

Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access controls are technical measures to safeguard CUI from unauthorized access or tampering.


Now equipped with knowledge about CUI, you can confidently identify that a press release is not an example of CUI. If you encounter this question in any setting, remember our explanation. For more queries, drop a comment below. Stay informed, stay secure!


  1. Q: Can you provide more examples of CUI?
    A: Certainly! CUI encompasses a wide range, including law enforcement data, privacy act information, personal details, critical infrastructure data, trade secrets, and intellectual property.
  2. Q: How does the CUI Program benefit federal agencies?
    A: The program establishes a consistent framework for handling and protecting CUI, ensuring uniformity across agencies and reducing the risk of security incidents.
  3. Q: Why is a press release not considered CUI?
    A: Press releases are meant for public consumption, lacking the confidentiality and classification required for CUI.
  4. Q: What are the consequences of mishandling CUI?
    A: Mishandling CUI can lead to unauthorized access, use, or disclosure, risking data breaches and security incidents.
  5. Q: How can individuals contribute to CUI protection?
    A: Individuals can contribute by following organizational policies, being aware of the sensitivity of information, and adhering to prescribed security measures.

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