6 AI Content Writing Tools That Write Like Humans


In the current era, when you see a bombardment of AI writing tools, things are getting challenging for those who need to generate humanized content. 

It’s true that AI content writing tools save us a lot of time and effort by providing quality output in no time. 

However, you cannot expect the perfect outcome every time you generate text using an AI content generator.

The major problem with this sort of content is that it sounds robotic in many instances. Someone who is an avid reader can easily identify if the text is written through an AI tool. 

That’s why you have to make it sound humanized. You can do so by making manual changes here and there, replacing robotic phrases with commonly used expressions, or using a credible AI content writing tool that can help you create tamed text without making it look robotic.

In this article, you will learn about the top six tools that are known for generating text that perfectly sounds like a real human.

 They are hand-picked after extensive research, so make sure you give them a careful read till the end.

AI Content Writing Tools

These are the top AI content writing tools that are matchless when it comes to producing human-sounding content for your online publishing requirements.

  • Paraphrasing-tool.ai

First on the list, we have a Free Paraphrasing Tool. Its ability to understand prompts or human inputs makes it a real gem. 

Whenever you find a piece of text that is well-written, and you feel like turning it into unique prose while making it sounds natural, the Paraphrasing Tool is there to help.

With its free/trial version, you are allowed to paraphrase a maximum of 250 words in a single attempt. 

There are different modes that you can try to maintain a consistent echo of the content that you paraphrase. 

For instance, you can choose ‘Creative’ mode if you want to make the new version of the text a bit more creative.

Other available mode options that you can choose include fluency, blog, formal, anti-plagiarism, and academic. This is a great resource to humanize AI text in a single click.

  • Grammarly.com

Grammatical errors and typos can always ruin your text; no matter how sharp eye you have to check the details. 

We give our 100% while writing and proofreading, but even that’s not enough in some instances. This is where tools like Grammarly come to the rescue.

Although it is considered to be a productive tool for checking grammatical flaws, it can also be used to turn robotic text into a humanized one. Wondering how?

Well, Grammarly checks your AI-generated content for potential mistakes and then provides suggestions to fix them in a single click.

 It doesn’t just remain restricted to typos and grammatical errors but goes the extra mile by providing suggestions on streamlining complicated sentences. 

Sentences that sound unnatural can be turned into humanized and simplified pieces with just a single click. That’s how Grammarly plays its role in providing you with text that’s perfectly matched for humans.



  • Paraphrasetool.ai

Just like the Paraphrasing Tool discussed at number one, the online Paraphrase Tool is another wonderful AI paraphrase tool that can help you to transform AI-generated text into a rationalized human piece. 

A good thing about this particular tool is that it has a dedicated section for turning robotic text into human.

Once you visit the Paraphrase Tool AI’s Humanize AI Text section, you will see two adjacent text blocks. 

You can upload your existing text document by clicking the upload button in the bottom left section. 

Alternatively, you can simply copy the text and past into the empty text section on the left. 

Now, just click the ‘Humanize’ button and get your whole piece turned into a humanized piece within a few seconds. 



  • Hemingwayapp.com

The Hemingway App is not very dissimilar to Grammarly. The basic functions of both these tools are pretty much similar to each other.

 The tool claims to make your unclear writing completely clear with no complicated sentence structures and word choices.

Just like other top-rated online tools, Hemingway has also updated its system to catch glitches of AI writing. 

When you paste text and run an audit, it quickly identifies areas that need immediate improvement. 

When you run your robotic text through Hemingway, it gets polished and ready for an average reader. 

People won’t have difficulty reading text even if it was previously written using AI writing tools.

  • Copy.ai

Copy AI is not another run of the mill tool you can find to humanize text. Although it has been on the internet for a while now, it has made significant improvements to help with content problems. 

Aside from being a content generator, the tool can also be used to transform AI-generated text into human writing. 

Wondering how it does do that? Well, the tool uses updated algorithms to identify and fix loopholes in AI-generated content.

 Imagine making a whole piece of text worth publishing to your blog in just a single click. Yes, that’s correct! Copy AI can do that quite smartly. 

  • Articleforage.com

Article Forget is not a mere word changer; it’s known as a high quality content generator. The good thing is that you can also use it as a productive tool for text transformation. 

If you have existing text material that you wish to sound like human writing, Article Forge can help you with that.

The tool offers a free trial that you can use for basic level needs such as social media. However, premium plans are available for advanced-level requirements. 

The great thing about the tool is that it provides you with sample articles that you can go through to have an idea of its quality output. 

Just visit the Article Forget and click the ‘See Sample Articles’ button to witness the majestic work it does in just one click.

You will see complete details such as the main keyword, instructions, and the requested article length. Give it a try and see how it works to help you transform AI content into human writing.



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